Shimano annonce ses couleurs en matière de dopage

Shimano fait actuellmemet circuler un communiqué de presse dans les médias afin de mettre les points sur les «i» sur sa politique de dopage regardant les athlètes et les équipes professionnels qu’elle supporte.

Un engagement envers un sport plus propre et sans dopage. Une seule clause et sans appel: si votre équipe est prise dans un scandale de dopage, on arrête immédiatement notre commandite. Si un athlète est positif suite à un test et que son équipe n’est pas au courant, ils (l’équipe) auront alors une chance de s’expliquer clairement afin de mettre au point un meilleur contrôle sur son équipe.

Shimano prendra par la suite la décision de continuer ou non la commandite.

Voici le communiqué dans la version originale anglaise:

Shimano anti doping statement

With this statement, Shimano would like to make clear to all parties involved that
we would like to strive for a fair and drug free sport to protect the future of cycling
for next generations. Besides the bad impact to the reputation of the sport, we all
know Doping and Drugs are damaging and destroying the health and image of
especially young people in and outside of the sport. Therefore we are taking a
firm stand against doping in general and in the sport of cycling in particular.

Basic guidelines in Shimano’s anti doping policy:

All our contracts and sponsorship-relations are made under the condition and in
the belief that there is no doping involved in the particular team or with the
individual athletes.

If the team management of one of our sponsored teams (no matter in which
cycling discipline) is involved in any doping affair, we will stop our sponsorship of
this team immediately.

If an individual rider is involved in any doping affair without the knowledge of the
team management, the team will be given the chance to give a clear explanation
and a future improvement & control plan to Shimano, upon that it will be decided
to continue the sponsoring or not. If another doping incident occurs within the
same team, we will keep the option of terminating our sponsorship contract.
Terminating a sponsorship contract means return of all Shimano materials or
other contributions that have been supplied to the concerned team immediately.

This anti doping policy is already stated in our ongoing sponsorship contracts but
Shimano feels it is valuable to emphasize this once more to make it clear for
everybody what is our opinion about the use of doping in sport. For all our future
sponsorship negotiations, it is essential for us that the teams show us their anti
doping policy in advance.

Shimano Inc.

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